Post 4 – 7/24/18

Hi Friends- I apologize for how long it has taken me to write to everyone. Each time I had a low point, I pushed off writing this blog because I did not have the right words. Then it hit me, when have we ever gone through a significant event in our lives on one emotional note? I have come to accept of course there are going to be hard times through this journey… it’s Stage IV cancer for goodness sakes!! However, instead of closing my laptop and watching Law & Order through this tough moment, I decided to write because I am probably missing out on a lot of encouragement from you all. I also wanted to give my latest (and greatest!) update. Thank you everyone for your continued love and support. I can feel all your prayers and positive thoughts each and everyday.


Medical Update: I had a CT scan on June 25th that revealed I am responding to chemotherapy. This is WONDERFUL news!!! I am responding so well that I will be doing two to four additional treatments to minimize the severity of my upcoming surgery. I have been tolerating the side effects from the chemotherapy a little worse since I started, but this is to be expected since the infusions are cumulative. I am able to manage most of the symptoms (neuropathy, migraines, light sensitivity, bone pain) fairly well except for the nausea, which leaves me with my head in a toilet for days after treatment. During the last treatment the doctors increased my steroid levels to battle the delayed nausea and that really helped. I will continue the additional steroids and hopefully I will see better results over the next few days. I will go in for chemotherapy round eight tomorrow! We are so thrilled over this wonderful news and forever thankful for answered prayers and the staff at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center who have made these results possible.


“He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed and miracles that cannot be counted” – Jobs 5:9

Ups & Downs: In the past four months a lot of my happiest moments have been the cause and effects of cancer. Yes, you heard that right. So many additional gatherings, weekly phone calls to catch up, extra girls nights, and living life to the absolute fullest with family and friends. I truly do not know if I could have gotten my dad to fly to Philadelphia for 15 hours to come see Taylor Swift with me. Better yet, I do not think my dad and I would have been at home after the concert while Kelly, Alyssa and my mom found themselves in a downtown Philly dive bar where someone may or may not have hopped a fence! My friends and I put a little spin on Fourth of July and celebrated Indappendix Day with those foam Statue of Liberty hats and firecracker popsicles, because who needs an appendix anyways?? This diagnosis and especially the past month has made me realize we should always live our best and healthiest lives, love without fear and truly cherish the time you have with your family, friends and loved ones. It has also made me realize how hard this must be on those who love me, especially the family and friends who have to hold my head up and wipe my tears away and make me laugh through the tough times. I have thrown you all quite the curveball and this cannot be easy for you. Thank you for stepping up when times got tough and thank you for loving me unconditionally through this disease. This past month has not been easy and I have felt like I should shy away because of it, but I am slowly finding my strength again and learning to let go of what I cannot control. This journey will have setbacks, but I read a proverb that really hit home to me: “Fall down seven times, stand up eight times.” It’s time to stand up again and keep pushing through. Thank gosh I’m quite stubborn, because I refuse to let cancer dictate my life anymore. Life is too good!

Highlight Reel:


Cast all your anxieties on Him, because he cares for you – 1 Peter 5:7


For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future – Jeremiah 29:11



Specific prayers:

Good results and minimal side effects for chemotherapy #8

For the tumors in my small intestine and colon to continue shrinking

For my anxiety about surgery to minimize

*Please continue to pray for my friend Sam and Sean as they continue to go through a medical hardship. Sean’s story is here:

Thank you #TEAMELIZA!



Post 3 – 05/16/2018

In the past three weeks a lot has happened. However, when I think back through the volatility the highs stand out so much more than the lows. I have had to come to terms that worrying does not change anything, but prayer and surrounding yourself with positive people certainly does. My spirits remain high because of #TEAMELIZA and the support I feel from you all. Here is the latest:

The end of April: I became a regular at the Sloan Kettering Emergency Room the last week of April. The first visit was because of a 102.5 fever with fear of infection. Thankfully all the blood work and cultures came back normal. A CT scan was completed and it showed that the tumor on my left ovary is being very stubborn. Can’t say I am very surprised something about me is being stubborn! This means that the tumor is not responding to the chemotherapy…. yet (keep in mind this CT scan was after only one treatment). The tumor is pushing against very sensitive nerve endings and causing a tremendous amount of pain, which caused the fever. The good news out of this visit: We see that the cancer throughout my GI tract is already responding to the chemotherapy. HOORAY! The second trip to the ER reiterated that I am not moving enough so my blood isn’t circulating, which puts me at an even higher risk for blood clots. I am going to totally blame the pain for this visit, because I would have been moving if I could. The last visit also showed that there are not many ER rooms available as I was assigned a gurney in the hallway… fun times!

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The solution: I met with a pain management team to discuss how to manage the tumor pain so I can get up and get moving and not be at risk for blood clots. The team was fantastic. The Nurse Practitioner I am working with sees me weekly to assess my pain and makes adjustments as needed. Since I have met with this team I have had ZERO tumor pain. Can you believe it? I went from my body having a fever and not being able to sit up or move without the help of others to doing yoga and living pain free. I know it might be some pretty good pain medicine, but for that dramatic of a change… I called and Jesus answered. The pain that you have been feeling cannot compare to the joy that is coming -Romans 8:18

Delayed chemo: After that week’s excitement I was not strong enough to have chemotherapy on Wednesday and was still fighting a slight fever. The fever broke late Thursday night and on Friday I got the go ahead for chemotherapy. One is usually not excited to spend a day getting pumped full of multiple chemotherapy drugs, but I was jumping up and down. This is how I get well, so my stubborn self was determined to be strong enough because cancer is not going to win. My dad was by my side the entire time and I managed the treatment very well.

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White blood cell count: In my last post I asked for prayers to increase my white blood cells levels so I would not have to get the very painful WBC booster injection. All of your prayers came through here, too. Although I had to receive the shot again, with the combination of Claritin, G2 Gatorade (yes, both of those are clinically proven to help the side effects??) and the pain management team I was able to tolerate the symptoms with minimal side effects… as in my mom did not have to hold my head up over the toilet all night. She was pretty thrilled as well. There was still bone pain, but it was manageable with heating pads, rest and Sudoku puzzles. Even better, during this past week’s chemotherapy treatment my doctor relayed the news that my WBC count remains high to go to every other week for the injection. I don’t think my doctor has ever been hugged so hard. The Lord is greater than the giants you face -1 John 4:4

Visitors: The past three weeks has been filled with amazing visitors. My Aunt Elizabeth came up just in time to join us to the ER. Jaimie and Taylor Harrison came to town and were the biggest breath of fresh air. Jaimie even got my mom out of the apartment for dinner while Taylor babysat Sleeping Beauty. My mom’s college roommate, “Aunt” Nancy, came to visit and it was mesmorizing to watch them interact with so many years passing and to see what I have to look forward to with my friends. Plus, I have the most amazing local visitors come see me every week with big hugs, flowers, and homemade chicken soup. I have only lived in the city for 2 years, but the love I feel from my “New York family” is extraordinary and very comforting.

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Chemo de Mayo: How have I not mentioned the best news of the past three weeks??? Although I’m biased on this news: solid food is back in my diet! To celebrate my friend, Mary Sloane came to visit and smuggled Willy’s cheese dip from Atlanta for me and oh boy it was so so good. On my off chemo weekend my friends threw me the greatest “Chemo de Mayo” party filled with green Gatorade and real food. We ended the night by watching Pitch Perfect and I think we were all asleep by 9:30pm.

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Mother’s Day weekend: This past weekend my mom and I were able to get out of the city after treatment for fresh air and to spend Mother’s Day weekend with the Sugrue family. My sweet friends treated my mom to a spa day on Saturday to be pampered, which she deserves and so much more. I said it on instagram, but I could say it over and over again: my mom is the most encouraging and strongest woman I know. She has been our family’s rock through this crazy journey. I am so thankful she was spoiled all weekend. Kelly and I had a great time resting and relaxing with our mothers.

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What’s next: I will have chemotherapy next Wednesday and after that I will get my first round of scans. Can you believe it’s already time for scans?! Be strong and courageous; it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave or forsake you -Deuteronomy 31:6

Gratitude journal: Over the past month, I started a gratitude journal. It has proven to be such a source of inspiration to me. I write down what I am thankful for each day and when I am having my toughest days I flip through the journal and my spirits are immediately lifted. A few entries from this month include: No more ascites, receiving talented friends’ artwork, lunch with co-workers I miss dearly, a basket full of get well cards from elementary school classes and singing Forever Young repeatedly with Kevin.


Specific prayer requests: Please pray for next week’s scans to show that the chemotherapy is working throughout my entire GI tract and the ovarian tumor. And for my small intestine and colon to be healthy.

~ Eliza