One thought on “IMG_6223

  1. Prayers are continuous! Jest keep saying Hills & Valleys, Hills & Valleys. The view is beautiful from the hill top where you are close to God and the view from the valley gives you the chance to rest and feel brave from the climb.

    Please Enjoy this story from Christian singer/song writer Tauren Wells AND the song.

    Tauren Wells Story of Hills & Valleys

    SONG: Hills & Valleys

    Today, God laid this on my heart and the song popped in my head the instant I read your post(GOD winks)! I’ve been checking daily for an update and was truly BLESSED by your Post today!!! Keep Climbing the Hills and take time to REST & LOOK up at the Majesty before you while in the valleys! In other words…HE knew the number of hairs on your head while you were in your mother’s womb! HE is an Awesome God and ALL things are possible to those who believe!!!

    When you are too tired, REST! #Team ELIZA are your prayer warriors and We’ve got you, too!!

    In Christ,
    Sending prayers and LOVE for the whole family. Kiss & Hug your BRAVE mama for me!!


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